Ep 108: What it means to have a mindful divorce with Tosh Brittan (founder of Divorce Goddess)


🎧 You can also listen to this and all of our other podcasts on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you enjoy listening to your podcasts

Hi lovely,

I have such a nourishing conversation for you today.

I spoke with Tosh Brittan, a divorce life coach and the founder of Divorce Goddess, about what it means to have a mindful divorce 

Tosh has helped over 1,000 people from all around the world with her coaching, online courses and private group. She has been featured in the likes of The Sunday Times, Weekend FT, BBC, ITV and Sky and is co-author of the bestselling books ‘Mindfulness Through Challenging Times’ and ‘Ceremonies - The Art of Ritual Living’.

In this episode, we talk about the concept of divorce wellbeing that is central to Tosh’s work and how we can move through a divorce, separation or a break up with mindfulness, compassion and self-kindness. Plus how we can support our friends on this journey too.

If you are navigating a break up, a separation or divorce right now then please know that you are not alone and I really hope that you feel supported and held as you listen to this episode.

So much love, V xx


Ep 105: A fascinating conversation about love with Laura Mucha (author of ‘We Need to Talk About Love’)


🎧 You can also listen to this and all of our other podcasts on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you enjoy listening to your podcasts

Hello lovely, it’s Vicki here 👋

I have such a treat of an episode for you this week!

I got to interview Laura Mucha, who is the author of Love Factually: The Science of Who, How and Why We Love and We Need to Talk About Love (the paperback). 

This book is such a fascinating read! It is the culmination of 10 years of extensive academic research and 10 years of interviews with hundreds of strangers, aged 8-95, across every continent around the world. 

Laura Mucha is an ex-international lawyer and award-winning poet, writer and speaker. She has appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, WNYC, ABC and Channel 4’s Sunday Brunch. The Guardian describes her as “a fantastic nosy parker” and Richard Curtis, creator of ‘Love Actually’, describes her book "as much better and more useful than my film". Wow - what a testimonial! 

I loved reading Laura’s book. I’ve never come across a book that covers the ins and outs of love with such depth before. The book takes you on a journey that explores love and loss, infidelity and commitment, dating, monogamous relationships, non-monogamous relationships. Attachment theory and so much more. As well as talking about the lightness of relationships, the book also talks about the darkness of them too, including the complexities and nuances of abuse in relationships. We talk all about this in the episode and included below is a list of resources relating to abuse.

In this episode, we also talk about some of the most important lessons that Laura has learnt about love, in over a decade of research and interviews (including how it impacted her relationship with her ex partner who is now her husband!). And we talk about Attachment theory (which is actually the focus for Laura’s next book). I had sooo many questions on Attachment theory, that we’ve decided that Laura is going to come back onto the podcast to talk more about this fascinating topic. Also linked here is last year’s episode on Attachment theory with Psychologist Helen Dent (our most popular podcast episode!) and here is the episode about Attachment theory and dating.

This conversation with Laura is PACKED FULL of so much wisdom about love, I can’t wait for you to listen to it! 

And before you do, I wanted to let you know that I have a couple of places left on my 3 month love coaching programme, starting in September and October this year. 

This programme is my absolute heart and soul and it would be such a privilege to work with you if you’re feeling the call and you’re wanting some guidance and support on your love and dating journey. 

If you are interested in working with me 1:1 this year and you would love to have me as your personal love coach and dating wing woman for three months then do get in touch - I would love to hear from you! Simply head on over here to find out more and to book in your discovery call! 

I hope you enjoy the episode 💕💕💕

Love, Vicki X

Resources of support for help with abuse below: 


EP: 71 Real love story interview with Lauren Leopold (Vicki’s former client!)

Vicki here! I have the most beautiful and inspiring real love story podcast for you today in celebration of me opening the doors to working with new love coaching clients this Summer. It’s really exciting to announce this to you for the first time in 3 years (where there has been a waiting list for love coaching since 2016!).

Tune in to listen to this weeks’ episode where you’ll hear Lauren’s beautiful love story and journey of self love and transformation.

Lauren wrote to me back in 2015 when her self esteem and confidence were at an all time low, feeling stuck in a toxic and unhealthy relationship. All around her were friends getting married and buying houses together and she couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe it just wasn’t going to happen for her like it had for so many of her friends. She had convinced herself that she would always feel anxious around men, that she was hard to love and that she was unworthy of a loving relationship.

In 2016, I started working with Lauren and took her through the 3 month Get Ready for Love 121 coaching programme and I witnessed her grow and transform and open up to love in the most beautiful way. Over the course of the sessions, Lauren’s confidence started to grow, she started to get to know herself (and actually quite like herself!) and over time, she became available to the loving and secure relationship that she now knew that she deserved.

Cut to today and she has just returned from the most magical wedding in Devon where she married her best friend, surrounded by the people she loves most in the world.

Lauren’s story is such a wonderful example of someone who turned her love life around. It wasn’t easy and she faced a lot of fears along the way but she had the courage and the willingness to learn and grow and do the work and that was key to her transformation.

If Lauren’s story resonates with you and if you too dream of being in a loving and secure relationship then know that you can make that dream come true. Don’t give up on that dream or leave it up to fate or chance. With courage and the willingness to learn and grow, you too can change the course of your love life, just like Lauren did. I am so passionate about working with clients on the journey of getting ready for love and I can’t wait to hear from you if you are ready for that journey too!

If you would like to be one of the four new clients I am taking on this summer on my 3 month love coaching programme then head on over here to check out the programme. If it sounds like just what you need, then fill in the form to book in a discovery call with me - I have put aside time in my diary to talk to you next week (w/c 24th June).

I hope you enjoy the podcast!

Love, Vicki xx


Try our new Project Love Couples Check-in Tool


🎧 You can also listen to this and all of our other podcasts on Apple Podcast (iTunes) and Spotify.

If you’re in a long term relationship do you ever feel like you get stuck in a bit of a rut sometimes of feeling like you’re more housemates than loving and attentive partners? Do you ever find yourself getting irritable and feeling frustrated that your partner isn’t giving you what you need or making you feel the way you want to feel in a relationship? Do you ever wish that there was a little more connection and love between the two of you?

Well congratulations! It means that you are human!

All of us, no matter how much we love our partner, will have times where they just don’t seem to be giving us what we need, where we only ever seem to have conversations about who is doing the dinner tonight and can you remember to pick up toilet paper on the way home.

Which is why taking the time to step back together from your busy lives and really focus and reconnect as a couple is absolutely vital to making love last.

But how do you do that?

Well, inspired by the Rewilding your Relationship couples retreat we did with Canopy and Stars back in 2018, we wanted to have a go at creating a tool for couples to use, to help them reconnect, address any issues bubbling under the surface and get the love flowing.

A tool that you can use whenever you need a bit of a relationship check-in.

So we teamed up with Canopy and Stars to do it, because honestly, there is nothing that supports and nurtures reconnection with yourself and your partner like being in nature and in beautiful relaxing, luxurious surroundings and that is what Canopy and Stars are all about (if you haven’t checked them out yet, come and feast your eyes on all the amazing glamping places you can stay over here, from treehouses, to yurts, to cabins, all nestled in beautiful natural surroundings, from woods to lakes to the sea).

We each went for two nights to a Canopy and Stars magical location (Vicki went to Ditchling Cabin and Selina went to The Treehouse at Harptree Court) and we tried out our couples check-in tool to see how it worked and WOW, the check-in combined with staying in the most amazing C&S places had such a powerful and long-lasting effect on both of us and our relationships.

Ditchliny Cabin

Ditchliny Cabin

The Treehouse at Harptree Court

The Treehouse at Harptree Court

So in this episode we share what we learnt from using our Project Love Couples Check-in tool and the power of reconnecting with your partner in nature.

And now you can download the Project Love Couples Check-in Tool here and give it a go yourself!

And when you do, email us at hello@loveprojectlove.com and let us know how you got on.

And thank you to Canopy and Stars - we are officially obsessed and we will be back!

X Selina and Vicki


PODCAST - Using attachment theory to help our relationships to grow | Interview with Psychologist Helen Dent


For those of you that have been wanting more from us on how to thrive in your relationships (current or future) then this one is for you! In this week’s episode Vicki interviews Helen Dent, a clinical and forensic Psychologist, Attachment style expert and author of “Why Don't I Feel Good Enough?: Using Attachment Theory to Find a Solution”.

It was SUCH a fascinating conversation!

Tune in to hear us talk about:

  • What attachment theory actually is and how we can use it as a practical tool to help ourselves and our relationships to grow

  • What the three main attachment styles are (anxious, avoidant, secure) and how we can develop a ‘secure base’ in our relationships (and not just in our romantic relationships but also in our friendships and even with our pets!)

  • How we develop a blueprint for a relationship and how the relationships that we have throughout our lives can influence our attachment style (here is a quiz where you can discover yours)

  • The difference between healthy dependency and codependency in relationships

  • How we can manage relationship challenges when we have opposing attachment styles to our partner!

  • Why we are more likely to come across avoidant attachers when we are dating

  • And how we can consciously work towards becoming more secure in our relationships

 🎧 You can also listen to this and all of our other podcasts on Apple Podcast (iTunes) and Spotify.

x Selina & Vicki

We can’t wait for you to listen to the episode!

x Selina & Vicki

PS we have a dating and attachment style podcast on the way on Sunday, register here to be the first to hear about it when it’s released (and you’ll also receive a dating masterclass video which is absolutely free!) 


Podcast | A couple that dreams together - interview with Penny and Will, creators of Brook House Woods

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🎧 You can also listen to this and all of our other podcasts on Apple Podcast (iTunes) and Spotify

You may have seen pictures of us on Instagram a few weeks back enjoying an amazing rewilding weekend in Brook House Woods where we got to sleep in a tree house shaped like a giant goji berry.

Well we were there to help host a couple’s rewilding retreat put on by the amazing Canopy and Stars and owners of the magical Brook House Woods, Penny and Will, who had run a competition for four lucky couples to win a place on the retreat, staying for two nights in one of the luxury treehouses.

We had heard a little bit about Penny and Will - the couple who had left behind their life as actors in London to fulfill their dream of creating and running a glamping retreat in the woods and we knew we had to hear the story in full and record a podcast with them. And wow, are we glad we did!

They shared with us what it was like to come up with such an incredible dream together and actually make it happen, how living their dream life amongst the woods has changed them and positively impacted their relationship and the advice they would give to someone who also has a big dream that they’d love to make real.

Oh and we recorded the podcast in a meadow overlooking the beautiful hills of Herefordshire. Doesn’t get much better than that!

We hope you enjoy listening to this special episode as much as we did recording it.

x Selina & Vicki

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PODCAST | Real Love Story with our very own Love Coach Vicki Pavitt

PODCAST | Real Love Story with our very own Love Coach Vicki Pavitt

This week we had our very own Vicki Pavitt in the hot seat telling her own Real Love Story. One thing you might not know about Vicki is that she finds telling her own story nerve wracking, so this is a real act of vulnerability for Vicki and I am so grateful for her courage because this interview offered sooo much in the way of inspiration and deep conversation about love, relationships and how to navigate doubts and fears at the start of relationships and how to help your relationship to flourish over the years.


Friendship: the love, the heartbreak and the hierarchy we need to get rid of!


🎧 You can also listen to this and all of our other podcasts on Apple Podcast (iTunes) and Spotify.

We have a fresh new episode for you today and we can’t wait for you to hear it and get involved in the conversation with us over on instagram. Because today we are looking at a topic that we have all had strong experiences in: friendship.

Our friendships have the capacity to give us every bit as much love, connection, pain, heartbreak, growth and belonging as our romantic relationships and when it comes to friendships between women, there is plenty of research that proves that close female friendships are essential to our happiness and health.

So in this episode we looked at the power of friendship, the pain that can come with friendship break ups, how to make new friends as an adult and how to deal with the ‘friends’ that you realise aren’t treating you right and, perhaps the juiciest of all, how to handle the relationship hierarchy that seems to be at play in our society that relegates friendships to bottom rung once partners and kids come along. It was one of the biggest topics that came up when we got this conversation started over on instagram and the Love Zone last week. And it’s time we challenged that hierarchy and brought an end to it. It’s no good for anyone!

So hit play above or over at Apple Podcast and then carry on the conversation with us over on instagram @loveprojectlove

Oooooor let us know what you think of this latest episode (or the podcast as a whole) over on Apple Podcast (a 5* review would make our day ;) ).

Lots of love,

Selina & Vicki


PODCAST: Real Love Story with Natasha Lunn


🎧 You can also listen to this and all of our other podcasts on Apple Podcast (iTunes) and Spotify.

So excited for you to listen to this week’s real love story interview with the fabulous Natasha Lunn.  Tune in as Natasha talks to Vicki about dating apps and 12 hour first dates, speaking your truth, wholeheartedness and choosing to go ‘all in’ on love (starting with going ‘all in’ with dating). And much much more!

This podcast is packed full of wisdom as Natasha shares her love story with Dan and also the lessons learnt from interviewing people about finding love and making it last (check out ‘Conversations on Love’ - Natasha’s bimonthly email newsletter investigating love, one conversation at a time).

So grab a cup of tea, hit play and enjoy! You can also listen on iTunes and now - *drum roll please* - on Spotify!

Really hope you enjoy this episode.

Much love,

x Selina and Vicki

P.S If you’re feeling stuck in your love life and finding dating to be frustrating and exhausting then come and join 'Get Ready for Love’, our online course that has helped 500+ women to find love. 'Get Ready for Love’ contains the 30 essential lessons that we've found to be the most effective and powerful in getting you ready for love and on your way to a happy and healthy relationship. It’s like having a love coach in your pocket, with advice, tools and guidance that can be listened to during the daily commute or en route to a date! Find out more over here.


PODCAST: Sex, self-love, orgasms and everything in between!


🎧 You can also listen to this and all of our other podcasts on Apple Podcast (iTunes) and Spotify.

Ooh we can’t wait for you to get stuck into this week’s podcast! 

Selina got together with Victoria Helen Roberts - body image and intimacy coach and certified sexological bodyworker to talk about sex, self-pleasure, self-love, orgasms and everything in between.  

It is as juicy a podcast episode as you might expect it to be.

They talked about the taboo around discussing sex openly and honestly in our society - where that comes from and the impact it can have on us, the importance of exploring and experimenting when it comes to our bodies and what turns them on and why sometimes it’s best to take the orgasm off the menu for a bit to focus on the other aspects of sex and learning how to give your body pleasure all over. 

Victoria shared loads of practical tips about how to get back in touch with your body and improve your sex life, whether you’re in a relationship, single or somewhere in between. 

Honestly, it is SUCH a good one!

So hit play above or tune in over on iTunes and enjoy!

And as ever, if you’re a fan of our podcasts then it would make our day if you would leave us a review over on iTunes - every review makes a big difference in helping us to spread the love to even more people. 

Much love,

x Selina & Vicki

P.S. If you are used to finding our podcasts over on Soundcloud we have now moved over to Audioboom, so that soon you'll also be able to listen to our podcasts on Spotify. 


PODCAST: Real Love Story with Selina Barker

I first interviewed Selina for a real love story back in 2015. We reflected on her journey of feeling completely stuck in love and wondering if it was ever going to happen for her, to feeling an abundance of love, and not just with a loving partner (we actually revealed in the podcast that she was expecting!) but the love that she discovered from the inside out.

And now, 3 years later, Selina is back in the hot seat, but this time to tell a much deeper love story.

This is a journey of hitting rock bottom in life and rising strong, healing and finding your way back home with love as your compass. A journey that starts and ends with ourselves.

This is a story that has never been told before and I’m actually hearing it for the first time. There is such a beautiful sense of vulnerability and intimacy to it. It’s everything our podcasts are about - hearing women opening up and sharing from the heart. And that takes real courage. Thank you Selina, it was an honour to hold the space and to hear you tell your story, your REAL love story.


I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

V xxx

P.S. next week (21st March), we’re running a free Masterclass  ‘A modern approach to finding love’ so if you’re feeling stuck in your love life then come and join us! Head here to save your seat (we’ll send you the recording if you can’t join us live)

P.P.S  'Get Ready for Love’ (our online course to help you to transform your love life) is on its way back 🎉🎉🎉 and almost (ALMOST!) ready to be released back into the world with all new videos, brand new bonus audios from amazing guests and a whole new sparkly platform to access the whole course...watch out for exciting announcements later this week! We are SO excited for you to get your hands on it!!!


PODCAST: Real Love Story with Caroline Atkinson


So excited to share this podcast with you - a real love story with a friend of mine, Caroline Atkinson, whose love story with Gus spans almost 10 years.

We talk about relationship challenges, the incredible lessons learnt from spending 6 years apart, the importance of taking responsibility for your own happiness and the absolute joy of brunching on your own.

I remember attending a talk with Alain de Botton and he made reference to the fact that novels and films (in particular, fairy tales and rom coms) often don't give us a correct map of love and 'leave us unprepared to deal adequately with the difficulties of being in a couple'. And so we grow up with slightly unrealistic notions of love and what it means to be in a relationship. Hearing Caroline share her story really helped me to understand this more deeply and how we can update our 'map of love' to be more in-line with the realities of relating in today's world. 

I was so inspired by Caroline's journey of self discovery and self love and how she and Gus were able to start a new chapter in their relationship and the strength and vulnerability that requires, on both parts. I hope you enjoy this as much as I loved recording it.

V xxx




PODCAST | an interview with one of the biggest Love Ambassadors we have ever met

Vicki and I have been talking a lot recently about what it is to be an Ambassador of Love in life - to proactively spread love out in the world through action - the work that you do, through charity and through random acts of kindness and love.

And so we were SO excited to meet Gayle Berry when she joined Project Love 365 (our membership programme to support you designing a life you love).

Gayle is THE biggest Ambassador of Love I think I have ever met. From the work that she does, to the charity she helps to run to the #mamakindness campaign she ran recently.

Gayle is a Queen of LOVE.

She stands SO firmly in love and just hearing her talk about her work, her relationship, her family and the way she approaches life is truly inspiring.

So if you have ever wanted to do work you love, make a difference in the world, have a loving and happy relationship or help to spread more love out into the world, then tune in and be inspired...

x Selina


Find out more and follow Gayle…

Her baby massage business: www.blossomandberry.com

Love Support Unite - the charity: www.lovesupportunite.org

This is a GORGEOUS and inspiring video about what they do: https://vimeo.com/114916198 (watch this space for a podcast interview with the women that started it!)

Get your hands on the love specs here: www.lovespecs.org

And check out Gayle’s #lovecreateslove campaign: https://www.blossomandberry.com/benefits/love-creates-love-campaign/

And to listen to the podcast I mention on Goddess Archetypes, head over here


A message to the next generation about the power of sisterhood

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For the past four years I’ve been enjoying being part of a growing sisterhood community. We gather together in circles in person and on whatsapp and talk about what is going on in our lives. We celebrate the things that are going well, share the challenges and the heartaches and set intentions for our lives and what we want to contribute to the world around us.

It can sound super cheesey from the outside, but every woman that has had their first experience of a sister circle has had the same response: ‘I really needed that’.

And I believe that as women we really do need it.

There is something about women coming together and supporting one another that seems to nourish and heal us on a very deep level

Which is why the sister circles that I’m part of are held in such high esteem and love by the women that are part of them.

And which is why we are always encouraging women to have a go at their own sister circles – to experience the simplicity and power of them.

So today I wanted to share with you a poem that expresses the power and beauty of sisterhood.

It was written last month to welcome little Loli into the world. She is the first baby girl to have been born into our sisterhood crew and when her mother was planning her naming ceremony she asked all of the women in the sister circle to write something about what sisterhood meant to them, so that it could be woven together and read out at the ceremony.

And so here are the words that Loli’s godmother (also part of the sister circle) stood up and read out at a ceremony to welcome her god daughter into the world. A message of love and sisterhood, woven from the words of the sisterhood of women that support her mother.

“Sisterhood exists.
And it is truly powerful

It's the strength of a united force
One that's immediate with the women you surround yourself with
And one that’s universal with your sisters from around the world

Sisterhood creates a space of nourishment and love
A place to celebrate your everyday joys and triumphs
And one to hold one another when joy seems far away

Sisterhood is where you are supported when you are at your most vulnerable
It's a space to listen, and to be heard
For both the laughter
And where you ask for help

Sisterhood is surrounding yourself with women
whose energy ignites your spirit.
A space to grow and flourish.

It is listening without judgement,
Without needing to give advice.
It is allowing women to be beautifully real
And fearlessly be themselves

Sisterhood exists.
And it is truly powerful

It’s a force that when it’s awakened
has the power to heal
both one another
And the world around us

Loli –You will always have the support and strength of your mama's sisters around you.  And with this, hopefully, you will learn how to choose and find your own sisterhood.

Which is one of the most powerful things a girl can have.”

X Selina

P.S. If you want to start your own sister circle (all you need is three of you to create one) then download our ‘Guide to starting a sister circle’


PODCAST: Real Love Story with Luke Montgomery-Smith

If you're looking to have you spirits lifted this week then listen in to this beautiful love story of the gorgeous Luke Montgomery-Smith and his girlfriend Gina. Tune in to hear Luke talk about finding love when he wasn’t expecting it, how relationships can heal and the clarity that can be found when leaning into loneliness.

Luke had seen strong and loving relationships growing up but wasn't convinced this kind of relationship was available to him. It wasn't until he let his guard down and allowed himself to fall in love that things developed. I was so inspired by his openness and level of vulnerability and honesty.  


I hope you enjoy this as much as I loved recording it

V xxx


PODCAST | Women who follow their hearts | interview with Victoria Roberts


For our second podcast in the series ‘Women who follow their hearts’ I got to interview one of my coaching clients - the wonderful Victoria Roberts. She has been on a beautiful journey of transformation over the last few years and I wanted her to share her story to inspire others that it is never too late to change...

Victoria came to me two years ago when she was living a fast-paced life in London. On paper it looked like she had a great life - money was good and she had a busy social life, with lots of friends and a successful career. But when we finally chatted on the phone she burst into tears. This wasn't the life she wanted to be living. Something was missing but she wasn't sure what. All she knew was that something needed to change.

After that first teary phone call Vic embarked on an amazing journey during which we saw her transform her relationship with herself, her love life, how she lives and what she does for a career.

She is a wonderful and inspiring example of someone who, despite the fear (and there was a lot of it at times) remained true to her commitment to creating a life and career that she loved.

I won’t spoil the surprise and tell you what her new career path is but I will say that in October she will be our special guest on our Project Love Salon that month and we expect it to be packed out…

So with that I will leave you to have a listen in. My heart was bursting by the end of it - I hope you’ll find it equally as inspiring and heart-warming.

Lots of love,

x Selina

P.S. IF YOU'RE READY TO MAKE A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE OR CAREER (even if you don't know what that change might be) then come and check out my 3 month 1-2-1 'Career Change' coaching programme - I am opening up the doors to two new clients this month. So if you're ready to make a career or life change then that client could be you!

>>> Head over here to arrange a call with me.


PODCAST | How to set healthy boundaries and learn the art of saying 'no'

We’ve got a fresh new podcast for you to enjoy, all about the importance of setting healthy boundaries and learning to say 'no' (the loving way).

It’s a topic that has been coming up a lot lately among our Project Love communities and our friends. It seems to be something everyone knows they need to get good at, but they get stuck on how to do it.

And so we’ve dug in deep and taken a look at why it is so important, why people often get stuck when it comes to setting boundaries and saying ’no’ to people, and how to do it the healthy loving way.

Listen to it below or download it over on iTunes or Soundcloud

Lots of love,

Selina & Vicki


Our *new* podcast series | Women who follow their heart | first interview with the beautiful Laura Lee

Laura Lee

We have such a delicious treat for you this week: The first in our series of interviews where we talk to women who have had the courage to follow their heart.

Our aim with these interviews is for you to feel inspired, fired up and connected to a tribe of women who, like you, are committed to following their heart in life.

This is your tribe.

And we want their stories to inspire you to continue following your own heart in life more and more.

So to kick things off we have an interview with the wonderful and inspiring Laura Lee.


(You can also download this podcast (and our whole Project Love podcast series) over on iTunes or Soundcloud)

Two years ago she was settled in her marriage and job in London and had just completed her first album with her band, Kurangbing. She felt change was ahead, but wasn’t sure what that change would be and was afraid of what that change could bring.

Two years later and her life looks totally different. Things changed exactly as she had feared and more, but that change turned out to be the best thing that could have ever happened. Not just for her, but for all involved.

I won't spoil it for you by telling you what happens, only to say it is a truly beautiful story of transformation and one that has been a huge source of inspiration to me and the people around her.

I came away so full of love after recording it.

I hope you will too.

x Selina

P.S. if you are ready to make a career change then make sure you check out our 'Career Change Day' intensive - it's on 8th May and with only 4 spaces available you must apply by TODAY


Imposter Syndrome...do you suffer from it?

We have a juicy podcast for you this week on 'Imposter Syndrome' - something that a LOT of people seem to suffer from these days.

It's that feeling that any minute now you're going to be found out for being a fraud. That you're not everything people seem to think you are. That you don't deserve the position you have. That it's all been a big mistake and soon people are going to figure it out.

So why are so many people, including a lot of big name celebrities, suffering from this? And if it's something you suffer from, what can you do about it?

Tune in to deep dive into the topic with us.


You can also subscribe to all of our podcasts and download them over on iTunes and Soundcloud


Who are the women that inspire you most? LET THEM KNOW IT TODAY on International Women's Day

Happy International Women’s Day!

Over at Project Love this year, we are celebrating International Women’s Day by thanking the women that inspire us.

From our best friends, to our work colleagues, to the women in the world whose words, actions and creations have inspired us.

And we are inviting you to do the same…

Because when women drop the comparison and competition with one another and instead create a chain of women helping women, inspiring one another and thanking one another for all that they do and all that they are in the world, magic happens.

Women step fully into their power, a power that is fueled and magnified by the support and love of other women.

So give it a go today and join that chain.


So who are the women that you would like to thank?


Think of all the women that inspire you and choose your top three at the moment.


Write down the reasons WHY they inspire you so much. What is it about them?

What are the qualities that they possess that you most admire? Courage, empathy, love, passion, strength, resilience, wholeheartedness, boldness, self-expression...etc

Take some time to think about what it is about them and the way they are in the world that most inspires you about them.


Write them a letter, send them a text, tweet them, email them, drop them a line on instagram. Whether it’s your sister, Michelle Obama, your boss or Bjork. Reach out and thank them.

Thank them for the ways that they inspire you.

Thank them for having the courage to be who they are.

Thank them for all they have done to get to where they are today.

Thank them for the way they contribute to the world.

And then let them be your guide

Choose the woman from your list of three that inspires you the most at the moment.
And let her be your guide and inspiration for the rest of the year.

If you know her personally, spend time with her, ask her questions, learn from her.

If you don’t know her, read up about her, read the things that she has to say, learn about her story, the challenges she has over-come, the lessons she has learnt, the beliefs that guide her in life.

And as you hold her up as your inspiration, know this: the qualities you see in her, that you so admire, are qualities that you have in you.

That is why you have chosen her as your guide, because whether you are aware of it or not, you see yourself and your potential reflected in her.

She and you are far more similar than you might realise.

You are part of the same tribe.

Which is why she calls to you and awakens something within you.

And which is why she will be able to show you how to step into your true power, just as someone did for her.

Let her inspire you and show you the way.

X Selina & Vicki

P.S. Global Sisterhood Day is on 18th March - book a handful of girlfriends in on that day to run a sister circle and experience the power of sisterhood. If you’re new to sister circles and have never done one before YOU ARE IN FOR A TREAT - download our free guide to running a sister circle over here